Hi guys!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.
"Qitchenery is a place to encourage and inspire novice or experienced cooks to create outstanding Vegetarian and Vegan dishes in a simple, easy and innovative way. Here, I share my food journey, recipes, experiences, mistakes and learnings to help you make your kitchen expedition fun and hassle-free. Oh! And I also give out cool kitchen hacks. Don't miss it. They are handy to have up your sleeves".
I decided to name my blog Qitchenery, because, firstly it rhymes with kitchenery. Secondly, Kitchen is my favourite spot in the house where I spend most of the time doing all my cooking "discov-ery" and lastly, I replaced "K" with "Q" for fun and it adds quirkiness to the name. Doesn't it?
I am blessed with a caring and supportive husband and two beautiful daughters. In my past life, I was an IT professional. I worked in various industries, managing several IT projects. After working for 20 years, I decided to quit my career to spend quality time with family and take care of them.
This panned out very well for me, as well. I now have ample time to look after my family and also time to pursue my passion for cooking, art and creativity.
Over the years, I've made many traditional dishes, different cuisine dishes, wacky dishes and experimental dishes. I have worked on keeping my recipes simple, loaded with a bag of flavour and embellished with my creative twist to make it a standout dish. I now have a repertoire of recipes that my family and friends adore. Many of my friends have also made dishes using my recipe and they have it pinned as their most frequent goto recipe.
So I thought, why not share my dishes with the world and have fun in my Qitchen.